We offer a variety of Sunday school Classes and small groups for all walks of life.
Nursery (infants & toddlers)
2-5 Years Old
Grades 1-3
Grades 4-6
Grades 7-12
Young Couples (married couples - all ages)
Homemakers (women's class all ages)
Men's Classes (all ages)
Welcome Class (men & women - all ages)
Pairs & Spares (men & women - all ages)
Starters Class (men & women - all ages)
These groups are one of the ways we grow in our (relationship with Christ & other Christians) faith and ground our faith Together For The Glory of God. This is also another opportunity to grow in our relationships with one another in the church.
Each week we have groups that meet from various ages for adults, couples, and children/youth. Join us as we grow together every Sunday morning at 10:00. Please contact us for more information.
Keep up with meeting times and other events by visiting our Calendar